Corporate governance

JSC «COMINVESTBANK» carries out corporate governance according to the current legislation of Ukraine.

Corporate governance structure of JSC «COMINVESTBANK»

  • Supervisory Board
  • Board of the Bank

    - Credit Committee;

    - Tariff Committee;

    - Assets and Liabilities Management Committee;

    - Committee for operational risk management and information security;

    - Failed Asset Management Committee;

    - Committee on Financial Monitoring;

    - Budget Committee.

  • The Bank's control bodies are:

    - The Bank's Internal Audit Department, which is subject to the Supervisory Board and reports to the one, and it is also the operational control body of the Bank's Supervisory Board;

    - Banking Risks Department;

    Internal Control and Compliance Department.

Corporate governance principles (code) of JSC «COMINVESTBANK» 2022

Corporate governance Code of JSC «COMINVESTBANK»

Corporate etics code of JSC «COMINVESTBANK»

Matrix for assessing the collective suitability of candidates for membership of the Supervisory Board JSC «COMINVESBANK»


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