
The Bank operates under the Law of Ukraine «On Banks and Banking», its Charter, and banking licence issued by the National Bank of Ukraine. On the basis of the banking license the Bank may perform the following operations:

  • acceptance of deposits from legal entities and physical persons;
  • opening and managing current accounts of customers and correspondent banks, transferring monetary funds from such accounts by payment instruments and crediting funds to them;
  • allocation of funds on behalf of the bank on its own terms and at its own risk;
  • issuing guarantees and sureties as well as other obligations of third parties which contemplate fulfillment in monetary form;
  • acquisition of incorporeal right for monetary liability against delivered goods or services while undertaking the risk of fulfillment of such requirements and receipt of payments (factoring);
  • leasing;
  • services of safe storage and rending safe deposit boxed for storage of valuables and documents;
  • issuing, purchasing, selling and processing checks, bills, and other negotiable payment instruments;
  • issuing payment cards and performing operations with such cards;
  • providing consulting and information services with regards to banking transactions;
  • cash collection and transporting the currency values.

Based on the permit of the National bank JSC «COMINVESTBANK» has the right to perform the following:

1. Operations with foreign currency values:

  • non-trade transactions with currency values;
  • transactions with foreign cash and checks (purchase, sale, exchange, collection of payment) which are performed in the cash departments and currency exchange centers of the bank;
  • transactions with foreign currency (purchase, sale, exchange), which are performed in the currency exchange centers operating under agency agreements concluded between banks and resident legal entities;
  • maintaining customer accounts (residents and nonresidents) in foreign currency and non-resident customers in the national currency of Ukraine;
  • maintaining correspondent accounts of banks (resident and nonresident) in foreign currency;
  • maintaining correspondent accounts of banks (nonresident) in the national currency of Ukraine;
  • opening correspondent accounts in authorized banks in Ukraine in foreign currency and carrying out transactions with them;
  • opening correspondent accounts in banks (nonresident) in foreign currency and carrying out transactions with them;
  • borrowing and placing foreign currency in the foreign exchange market of Ukraine;
  • borrowing and placing foreign currency in international markets;
  • foreign exchange trading in the Ukrainian foreign exchange market [exclusive of transactions with foreign currency in cash and checks (purchase, sale, exchange) conducted at tills and currency exchange offices of banks and agents];
  • foreign exchange trading in the international markets;
  • borrowing and placing precious metals in the Ukrainian foreign exchange market;
  • borrowing and placing precious metals in the international markets;
  • trading in precious metals in the Ukrainian foreign exchange market;
  • trading in precious metals in the international markets;
  • foreign currency transactions in the Ukrainian foreign exchange market classified as financial services according to Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine on Financial Services and State Regulation of Financial Service Markets and not specified in section 2 paragraphs 2 to 17 of the Regulation on the Procedure for Issuing General Licenses to Conduct Foreign Currency Transactions to Banks and Foreign Bank Branches, approved by resolution No. 281 of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine dated August 15, 2011;
  • foreign currency transactions in the international markets classified as financial services according to Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine on Financial Services and State Regulation of Financial Service Markets and not specified in section 2 paragraphs 2 to 17 of the Regulation on the Procedure for Issuing General Licenses to Conduct Foreign Currency Transactions to Banks and Foreign Bank Branches, approved by resolution No. 281 of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine dated August 15, 2011.

2. Issuing own securities.

3. Organizing purchase and sale of securities on behalf of customers.

4. Investing in the shares and registered funds of other legal entities.

5. Operations on behalf of customers or on its own behalf:

  • with money market instruments;
  • with instruments based on foreign exchange rates and interest;
  • with financial futures and options.

6. Trust management of assets and securities under agreements with legal entities and private individuals.

The Bank also has licenses for professional operation on the stock market, namely:

7. Depositary activities of depository institutions, license series AE #263480 from 01.10.2013, issued by the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market for an unlimited term.

8. Activity with securities trading (brokerage), license series AE #294465 from 16.10.2014, issued by the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market for an unlimited term.

9. Securities trade activity (dealer activity), license series AE #185332 from 29.11.2012, issued by the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market for an unlimited term.

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