
Lending is the main instrument for financing business development.

The priority directions of the Bank's lending are granting loans to business entities (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs). The advantages of the credit policy of JSC «COMINVESTBANK» are:

  • individual approach to business entities needs;
  • efficiency in making lending decisions;
  • availability of stable credit potential;
  • transparent tariff policy in the field of lending;
  • reducing credit risk due a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the borrower's creditworthiness;
  • availability of clear control at all stages of lending from issuance to full repayment of the obligation.

Credit is a banking product for customers having active business, the stable development of which depends on the maximum attraction of working capital in economic activities. Lending is carried out both on the basis of the conclusion of individual loan agreements and by concluding long-term general agreements. Depending on the operational cycles and production needs of the enterprises, JSC «COMINVESTBANK» provides lending in the form of:

  • an overdraft – a short-term loan in which the Client's payment documents are paid from the current account more the funds actual balance on it within the established limit.
  • a loan – short/long-term lending to business entities, which provides for financing of economic needs per common amount, or issuing tranches within the established limit. During the process of repayment of the tranche issued within the limit, or part of it, the repayment of the established loan limit is n't provided.
  • a revolving credit line – short/long-term lending, which allows the client to repeatedly receive and repay the loan amount within the established limit during the contract term.
  • financial leasing that provides for financial lease of fixed assets (real estate, equipment, transport, etc.) for a period of 12 months, with the right for buying the ones when the term finished.

If a client provides the relevant documents package that ensures the fulfillment of obligations and confirms the sufficient financial condition of the client to finance in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, subject to the conclusion of a loan agreement, then under such conditions a loan may be allowed.

JSC «COMINVESTBANK» classifies credit operations by types of collateral as follows:

  • secured by a deposit – a loan secured by property rights to funds on a deposit account and/or coverage account in the amount of not more than 90% of the deposit amount for a period less than the validity term of the deposit agreement;
  • secured by movable property – the pledge is equipment, special equipment, commercial and/or passenger vehicles, etc., the amount of lending is set at 50% of the value of the collateral according to expert evaluation;
  • under the security of goods – if the collateral is goods in circulation, the amount of lending is set at 40% of the value of the collateral according to expert evaluation, lending is allowed for up to 12 months;
  • secured by real estate – if the collateral is residential and non-residential real estate, land, property complexes, the amount of lending is set at 50% or more of the value of the collateral according to expert evaluation;
  • other types of collateral – if the collateral is land, biological assets and others, the amount of lending is set at 35% or more of the value of collateral according to expert evaluation;
  • blank – with the executing the surety agreement, without collateral, the loan amount is determined depending on the financial condition of the borrower according the credit committee decision;

Lending programs for business entities 

Detailed lending terms, interest rate, commissions are considered individually and set by the Bank's Credit Committee (within the approved interest rates and depending on the loan term and the collateral received). Changing the agreement terms and the interest rate under the current agreements is carried out by the credit committee decision by concluding an additional agreement to the agreement.

Information on persons related to the bank who have defaulted on their obligations as of Nov 1, 2024.

For more detailed information please contact the nearest regional Branch or call to the Bank's Head Office Credit Administration Department: +38 (0312) 61 98 09 (cost of call is according to your carrier's rates)

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